Publication Sample-type Sample-ID Group-ID Sample Lat(DD) Long(DD) Elev(masl) Thickn(cm) Density(g/cm3) Shield 10Be-conc(at/g) 10Be-unc(at/g) 10Be-std 26Al-conc(at/g) 26Al-unc(at/g) 26Al-std Sampl-year Publ-10-age(yr) Publ-10-unc(yr) Publ-26-age(yr) Publ-26-unc(yr) 10Be-age(yr) 10-ext-unc(yr) 10-int-unc(yr) 26Al-age(yr) 26-ext-unc(yr) 26-int-unc(yr) Extra-publ Zasadni et al. (2020) boulder Zasa2020-1 Zasa2020-A Sv04 49.15280 20.01598 1947 2 2.7 0.982 276910 13350 S2007N 0 0 0 2018 14600 1500 - - 13583 1066 657 - - - - Zasadni et al. (2020) boulder Zasa2020-2 Zasa2020-A Sv05 49.15247 20.01774 1930 2 2.7 0.964 279750 11800 S2007N 0 0 0 2018 15200 1500 - - 14126 1058 598 - - - - Zasadni et al. (2020) bedrock Zasa2020-3 Zasa2020-B Nf04 49.16736 20.01949 2120 1.5 2.7 0.964 268570 7470 S2007N 0 0 0 2018 12600 1100 - - 11842 802 330 - - - - Zasadni et al. (2020) bedrock Zasa2020-4 Zasa2020-B Nf05 49.16740 20.02037 2123 2 2.7 0.953 298200 8440 S2007N 0 0 0 2018 14200 1300 - - 13183 896 374 - - - - Zasadni et al. (2020) boulder Zasa2020-5 Zasa2020-C Hn04 49.17593 20.06101 1958 2 2.7 0.967 279130 9380 S2007N 0 0 0 2018 14800 1400 - - 13767 969 464 - - - - Reference: Zasadni J, Kłapyta P, Broś E, Ivy-Ochs S, Świąder A, Christl M, Balážovičová L, 2020. Latest Pleistocene glacier advances and post-Younger Dryas rock glacier stabilization in the Mt. Kriváň group, high Tatra Mountains, Slovakia. Geomorphology 358, 107093. Data comments: Sampling year assumed to be 2018. Group ID based on publication (Table 2). - data from expage-202306