Publication Sample-type Sample-ID Group-ID Sample Lat(DD) Long(DD) Elev(masl) Thickn(cm) Density(g/cm3) Shield 10Be-conc(at/g) 10Be-unc(at/g) 10Be-std 26Al-conc(at/g) 26Al-unc(at/g) 26Al-std Sampl-year Publ-10-age(yr) Publ-10-unc(yr) Publ-26-age(yr) Publ-26-unc(yr) 10Be-age(yr) 10-ext-unc(yr) 10-int-unc(yr) 26Al-age(yr) 26-ext-unc(yr) 26-int-unc(yr) Extra-publ Kelly et al. (2006) bedrock Kell2006-1 Kell2006-A GP-1 46.563 8.344 2230 4 2.65 0.773 237600 15206 S555 0 0 0 2004 10560 680 - - 11939 1063 766 - - - - Kelly et al. (2006) bedrock Kell2006-1 Kell2006-A GP-1A 46.563 8.344 2230 4 2.65 0.773 244700 11990 S555 0 0 0 2004 10880 530 - - 12250 967 602 - - - - Kelly et al. (2006) bedrock Kell2006-2 Kell2006-A G111 46.568 8.349 2400 8 2.65 0.925 343000 28126 S555 0 0 0 2004 11740 960 - - 12991 1337 1069 - - - Ivy-Ochs et al. (2006b) Kelly et al. (2006) bedrock Kell2006-3 Kell2006-A GP-3 46.569 8.352 2420 3 2.65 0.857 374400 32198 S555 0 0 0 2004 13080 1120 - - 14373 1526 1240 - - - - Kelly et al. (2006) bedrock Kell2006-4 Kell2006-A GP-4 46.572 8.352 2480 4 2.65 0.818 374700 20234 S555 0 0 0 2004 13320 720 - - 14543 1195 788 - - - - Kelly et al. (2006) bedrock Kell2006-5 Kell2006-B G103 46.583 8.364 2660 2 2.65 0.989 375000 28125 S555 0 0 0 2004 9610 700 - - 10755 1046 809 - - - Ivy-Ochs et al. (2006b) Kelly et al. (2006) bedrock Kell2006-6 Kell2006-B G106 46.583 8.364 2660 2 2.65 0.987 346000 25258 S555 2230000 118000 ZAL94 2004 8880 650 8770 460 10023 960 734 9637 916 512 Ivy-Ochs et al. (2006b) Kelly et al. (2006) bedrock Kell2006-7 Kell2006-B G110 46.589 8.365 2860 4 2.65 0.926 376000 27448 S555 0 0 0 2004 9390 690 - - 10242 981 750 - - - Ivy-Ochs et al. (2006b) Kelly et al. (2006) bedrock Kell2006-8 Kell2006-C GP-6 46.579 8.313 2390 4 2.65 0.818 304000 16112 S555 0 0 0 2004 11460 610 - - 12722 1037 676 - - - - Kelly et al. (2006) bedrock Kell2006-9 Kell2006-C GP-7 46.579 8.313 2390 3 2.65 0.892 289500 13317 S555 0 0 0 2004 9920 460 - - 11206 864 517 - - - - Reference: Kelly MA, Ivy-Ochs S, Kubik PW, von Blanckenburg F, Schlüchter C, 2006. Chronology of deglaciation based on 10Be dates of glacial erosional features in the Grimsel Pass region, central Swiss Alps. Boreas 35, 634-643. Data comments: Latitudes and longitudes based on map figures and Google Earth. Sample density assumed to be 2.65 g/cm3. 10Be standard assumed to be S555. 26Al standard assumed to be ZAL94. Sampling year assumed to be 2004. Group ID based on sample location and geomorphology. - data from expage-202306