Publication Sample-type Sample-ID Group-ID Sample Lat(DD) Long(DD) Elev(masl) Thickn(cm) Density(g/cm3) Shield 10Be-conc(at/g) 10Be-unc(at/g) 10Be-std 26Al-conc(at/g) 26Al-unc(at/g) 26Al-std Sampl-year Publ-10-age(yr) Publ-10-unc(yr) Publ-26-age(yr) Publ-26-unc(yr) 10Be-age(yr) 10-ext-unc(yr) 10-int-unc(yr) 26Al-age(yr) 26-ext-unc(yr) 26-int-unc(yr) Extra-publ Fogwill (2003) boulder Fog2003-1 Fog2003-A LS-DG3-1 -50.990 -72.633 140 3 2.65 0.999996 70862 7014 S555 0 0 0 2001 11760 1385 - - 13448 1573 1336 - - - - Fogwill (2003) boulder Fog2003-2 Fog2003-A LS-DG3-2 -50.992 -72.625 140 3 2.65 0.999996 69502 10190 S555 0 0 0 2001 11532 1844 - - 13201 2106 1942 - - - - Fogwill (2003) boulder Fog2003-3 Fog2003-A LS-DG3-3 -50.997 -72.621 140 3 2.65 0.999996 54201 8672 S555 0 0 0 2001 5695 981 - - 10374 1783 1664 - - - - Fogwill (2003) boulder Fog2003-4 Fog2003-B LS-DG2-3 -51.021 -72.576 130 3 2.65 0.999996 75436 6129 S555 0 0 0 2001 12642 1306 - - 14396 1473 1174 - - - - Reference: Fogwill C, 2003. The application of cosmogenic exposure dating to glacial landforms: Examples from Antarctica and Patagonia. PhD thesis, University of Edinburgh. Data comments: Latitudes and longitudes based on map figures and Google Earth. Sample thickness based on back-calculation using the depth shielding factor in Table 4.2. Sample density assumed to be 2.65 g/cm3. 10Be concentration calculated from isotope ratios and sample/carrier mass in Table 4.2. 10Be standard assumed to be S555. Sampling year assumed to be 2001. Group ID based on publication (Figure 4.6). - data from expage-202306